This one question changes everything
This one question changes everything
I started asking myself one question and I almost immediately found more balance, quicker results, and more focus…. Do you want more time doing more of what you love, getting bigger results more quickly and feeling ever so slightly like a bit of a Rockstar at work then all you need to do you need to ask yourself one simple question often, that is
What result must I achieve this month/this week/ today
You may be thinking ‘hmmm, is that it’. Yep, being outcome focused is one of the simplest ways to increase your results. It can move you from overwhelm to energised and relaxed. 95% of people don’t ask this question and don’t think like this, you are in the 95% if you:
plan your time from a to-do list, that has more on it than you can ever do, so you feel defeated before your day begins
you react to every request
you sit on email all day (you are probably not paid for emails but paid for result)
you go to pointless meetings, without a clear result
you habitually repeat processes and ways of working without thinking if they are getting the results they need
you don’t take breaks, exercise, manage your energy or think about how you need to ‘feel’ to make the best decisions/ have the best impact on those around you
Clarity is king. Clarity and focus will super charge your results fast. The clearer you are on the result you want the better. Here is how to do it
ask what 3 results I MUST achieve this month, week and day
be really clear on these results, generalities will confuse you. This is NOT task, running a meeting is not a result, sending an email is not a result. How will you know you have achieved these results?
write these results down and read these three times a day
Push yourself to find the quickest route to the result