Transformational Toolkit

Never has there been greater potential for transformational change. While 2023 might feel like it’s riddled with doubt, fear, and uncertainty, this creates an opportunity and an invitation to lead differently.

Leaders that maximise the opportunity this disruption creates do five things:

1.     Create clarity for their teams. The first job of the leader is to create clarity and meaning.

2.     Focus – be result-focused, cutting the low-value add.

3.     Establish their own positive, resilient, energetic state.

4.     Build a culture where teams feel they belong, they feel safe, trusted and included.

5.     Have the quality leadership skill to engage communicate, support performance build teams .

We want to take the guesswork out of being a success and make it easy for you and your leaders to focus in on the small areas that get the biggest results.

We have created five modules that give your leaders what they need most right now for your business to win.  

The five modules:

Now, more than ever, we need our teams to be absolutely results-focused. They need to understand the vision and be clear on the actions that will deliver it.

To drive optimum results, we need to create an inspiring culture where colleagues can do great work, in which they are inspired and empowered. This session will give leaders four practical skills to make this happen.

1.     Be ready to create clarity in their teams

2.     Know how to create a culture that is absolutely results focused

3.     Master the art of delegation

4.     Be eager to find the blockers that stop teams delivering, clearing the path to performance

People who go through this module finish ready to take on the challenge of leading with energy and enthusiasm. They have absolutely clarity on both what they need to help their teams achieve and, crucially, why. Their new dynamic approach will become infectious, creating momentum.

Clarity is king


When you do your best work, think the most clearly and have your most significant impact, what kind of state are you in? Inspired? Positive? Confident? How we feel, our emotions, hormones and energy have the biggest day to day impact on our performance.

Proactively managing our health and energy is critical to high-performance. The highest performing people typically have powerful habits to help them deal with pressure and raise their energy. This session will help people build a simply and powerful approach to creating the kind of energy that supports them to feel and operate at their best.

They will:

·        Learn the science behind the feeling of stress and pressure, the tell-tale signs of pressure overload, and what they can practically do to reduce pressure right now

·        Acquire the simplest and most impactful techniques for raising their energy and focus, helping them to feel and operate at their best every day

·        Know what the most resilient leaders do to feel at their best and will have a plan to implement these techniques for themselves in their own context

After completing this module people will be able to harness their own brain and biology – and that of their teams – to create greatly improved performance.

The secret of performance and energy


Take a minute to write an introduction Humans are social animals. From telling stories around campfires to the rise and rise of social media, we all want to belong. When teams share a sense of belonging and maximise diversity of thinking, they do their best work. They innovate more quickly, they learn, they share and they improve.

In Module 3, we teach your leaders the skills they need to create a highly inclusive environment, where teams feel safe, trusted and valued, increasing their loyalty and commitment.

They will:

·        Understand what diversity and inclusion is and why it is critical to business success

·        Build the most critical mindsets that support greater inclusion, safety and performance

·        Know the part trust plays in inclusion and belonging, and how to purposefully extend and build trust

·        Understand the micro messages we unconsciously send out and the impact these have on culture and belonging

·        Be ready to play a much bigger role in creating a culture of inclusion and belonging that maximise a diverse talent pool

Expect improved trust, performance and loyalty as a result of people completing this module.

Success through belonging


How far ahead are you looking? Are your eyes trained on the ground in front of your feet or are you scanning the horizon to see where your journey is taking you? If you aren’t looking far enough ahead, you don’t see what’s coming in time to understand how it might affect you, leaving little time to take evasion action.

In Module 4 your leaders learn the importance of a strong forward radar and the skills that will enable them to think six to 12 months ahead so they can prepare their teams and their work in advance.

They will:

      Learn how to become more resourceful, spotting blockers and challenges, solving problems and building momentum on the journey towards greatness

·        Access agility, recognising the skills they need to develop themselves and their teams at the same speed as the organisation is transforming.

·        Inspire their teams through collaboration, empowerment and delegation

With a clear direction of travel, it’s easier to stay on course. People who complete this module know how to spot potential future challenges and work with great agility.

From business as usual to best as usual 


Do your leaders know how to lead? Often, we promote technical managers into leadership roles and don’t give them the key skills, the tools, the confidence to lead. They keep on doing the job they did, their team lacks direction, they don’t build performance and you don’t get the results you want.

In Module 5, we teach leaders how to lead, helping them identify the mindsets that sabotage them and giving them the tools to be really excellent.

They will:

·        Understand the five things great leaders do and where their time needs to be spent, including the meeting cadence and diary management techniques that will make this easier

·        Know the three key conversations that will support them to move from buddy to boss; the skills of effective delegation (objectives, role); getting the best out of people, and providing performance-enhancing feedback often

·        Be more confident handling conflict, understanding where it comes from and with insight into the big behavioural challenges they may come up against – building curiosity, empathy and transparency

·        Understand the biggest derailers of leadership – how we get in our own way and what to do about it

·        Create a simple 90-day plan to build relationships, create quick wins, create clarity in their team and set themselves up for success

Excellent leaders create outstanding performance. People who complete this module are able to confidently and adeptly lead their teams, creating incredible performance for your organisation.

An added extra that will help you sleep at night

Hurrell Associates works closely with Zarach , a charity which provides beds for children in our local area who don’t have a bed of their own. For each module delivered throughout 2023, we’ll pay for a bed for another child. So not only are you building your business, you’re doing good for the next generation too.

Basics that build brilliance